3 Reasons You Should Enroll in an MFA Creative Writing Program in Chicago

by | Nov 9, 2021 | Education

If you have an interest in developing a career as a writer, you should consider enrolling in an MFA writing program. While you don’t necessarily need the education if you have talent as a writer, participating in this type of program can help you in several different ways. In addition to being able to add formal training on your resume, an MFA program can help your writing career in other ways.

Get Impartial Feedback

As you go through a writing program, you’ll get plenty of practice in writing on a variety of topics. You’ll also benefit from the critiquing that your instructors provide, which is a valuable benefit in itself. The feedback you receive will help you hone your craft as you earn your degree.

Start Building Your Network

You’ll also share your work with your classmates, and they will share their work with you. This will help you become familiar with other people who have the same career goals as yourself. As you get to know them, some of your classmates will become permanent members of your professional network.

Learn the Ins and Outs of the Market

When you participate in an MFA writing program, you’ll learn more than just how to better your writing skills. You’ll learn how to use social media as a writer and how to find publishers who are looking for content. These aspects of earning your degree will better prepare you to earn a steady stream of income as a writer.

You can learn more about enrolling in an MFA program for creative writing when you visit the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

The Must List

