Solid Tips to Help You Get into an Accredited Printmaking University

by | Jul 2, 2020 | Education

Printmaking is a skill that will always be in demand. Graphic artists are needed to create media for clients across the world.

To join this lucrative field, however, you need to undergo the appropriate training first. These tips can help you get into an accredited printmaking university that will be a credit to your future career.

Create a Portfolio

From the time that you decide that printmaking is your desired career, you need to start making a portfolio that you can take to interviews for getting into the university. Your portfolio will show the department leaders and your future instructors that you have the talent and drive to succeed. It shows them the foundation on which you can build your training.

The portfolio that you build can include artwork that you did in high school. It can also include drawings and artwork that you did during your free time. You should add your best pieces to it.

Letters of Reference

You also need to bring along letters of reference to your college admissions interview. These letters vouch for your talent and viability as an art student. They can be critical in convincing the university staff to approve your admission.

You can find out more about applying for and being admitted to a quality printmaking university online. To get details about the available programs, tuition and other details, you can reach out to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago online.

The Must List

